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  • The Emu Wallaby War on Random Zookeepers Reveal Biggest Animal Jerks In Their Facilities

    (#6) The Emu Wallaby War

    From a5121221a:

    "When I worked as a zookeeper intern, I think the biggest jerks were the emus. It was the summer of 2004 and the emus shared an exhibit with the wallabies. The exhibit wasn't high-security. It was essentially a fence made of dried bamboo stalks.

    Wallabies are super cute and while we didn't have an area where they are in the same space as visitors, some zoos do. Wallabies are not typically threatening in any way.

    The emus were big jerks. They constantly pecked at the wallabies and were generally a pain, but they weren't separated because they didn't cause actual injuries. The wallabies eventually got their revenge and freedom. One night, one of the emus ran into the fence and sort of gently-impaled itself. It wasn't badly injured, but it did fall down after the injury. What did the wallabies do? They kicked it in the head until it was dead.

    The wallabies and emus were separated the next day."

  • Squirrel Monkeys Get Grabby on Random Zookeepers Reveal Biggest Animal Jerks In Their Facilities

    (#10) Squirrel Monkeys Get Grabby

    From BoldlyGone1:

    "I work with squirrel monkeys, and I go in there with a little bowl of live mealworms for training purposes. One day one particular monkey was being fairly grabby, reaching for my hair and whatnot. I had closed up their cage and was getting ready to leave when I noticed I hadn't slid a hatch shut. I moved closer to the fence to do it and someone – I don't know who, but I'm bettting it was the grabby one – shot a hand out of the cage, reaching for the mealworms, and knocked the bowl out of my hands. I don't know if you know this, but individual mealworms are hard to pick up off the floor, especially when they're crawling away as fast as their little legs can go. And so then of course all the monkeys are on the ground reaching through the fence to grab the worms while I'm trying to scoop them back into the bowl as fast as I can. That must have been the greatest thing ever, like HOLY SH*T FREE WORMS EVERYWHERE.

    I did also have a capuchin monkey throw food at me. I ignored it because I was observing a different monkey at the time, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the one that I assume threw the food come up to the fence and stick her arm under the door to try to reclaim the food she'd thrown at me, but it was out of her reach. Karma."

  • The Tiny But Fierce Chickadee on Random Zookeepers Reveal Biggest Animal Jerks In Their Facilities

    (#11) The Tiny But Fierce Chickadee

    From PyrrhuraMolinae:

    "Have worked in various wildlife rehab/research facilities, including a bird sanctuary where we did mist-netting (setting up very fine nets between trees to catch songbirds) and banding of wild birds for research/population counts. Handled everything from thrushes to woodpeckers to crows to sparrows... and the biggest jerks?

    F*cking CHICKADEES.

    Most of the birds were scared or curious when we took them out of the nets. The chickadees? Were f*cking pissed. There was something bizarrely respectable about it. Here I am holding a bird smaller than the palm of my hand whose head I could crush with my f*cking thumb, and it's going, 'You may be bigger than me but if you don't let me go I will rip your f*cking cuticle off.'

  • The Psychotic Swans on Random Zookeepers Reveal Biggest Animal Jerks In Their Facilities

    (#1) The Psychotic Swans

    From MyosinV:

    "Swans are pure devil spawn.

    They want to kill anything that moves near them. Sweet harmless baby ducks born on the pond? Initiate murder instinct. Man who feeds me and cleans my awful poop everyday? Start up the murder protocol.

    Even the dumbest of invertebrates knew that we fed them and would be kinder. Swans see you bringing them food from across the park and are furious that 'YOU STOLE MY FOOD I NEVER HAD AND PUT IT IN THAT BUCKET YOU'RE BRINGING TOWARD ME AND I AM GOING TO BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THIS GROUNDHOG NEAR ME BECAUSE OF IT, AND THEN TRY TO MURDER YOU.'

    Swans are the worst."

  • The Goring Goat on Random Zookeepers Reveal Biggest Animal Jerks In Their Facilities

    (#3) The Goring Goat

    From Tophat1935:

    "We had a Cretin Goat that was hand reared, so it was put in the children's petting zoo. As it got older it turned into more and more of a jerk. This goat started bullying the kids by gently approaching them until they it was close enough to be pet. It would put its head against the kids them then try to push them over. But worse than that, is it really hated old ladies. It just straight up charged and rammed old ladies. After a few knock downs, it became apparent what a jerk it was.

    We moved the goat to an off exhibit 3/4 acre enclosure on a hillside. I was doing some work in the enclosure with a coworker of mine before we found out about this particular goat. She stayed at the bottom of the hill to check out the animals while I was doing work up top. I looked down and she was hiding in the barn waving at me. I thought it was weird but just kept on working. Then, this goat comes up and starts pushing into me. I thought it was just being aggressive with wanting to be pet.


    Little sh*t was sure footed on that hillside, planting it and trying to push me over. I slipped a few times but it was more an annoyance at that point. What changed was when this goat started dropping his head in front of my thighs and jerking it up backwards, seemingly trying to impale me with its horn. I repeatedly had to grab its horn with one hand, while carrying my equipment in the other. Then it would scamper off and come back with another head push and attempted stabbing every 10 feet a made it down the hillside.

    When I met with my coworker at the bottom, she told me it got aggressive and charged her. She was waving to try and warn me. After that we mentioned the goat to the keeper. He laughed and proceeded to tell us several stories about what a jerk this goat was.

    I'll always remember that goat."

  • Don't Cross The Cassowary on Random Zookeepers Reveal Biggest Animal Jerks In Their Facilities

    (#8) Don't Cross The Cassowary

    From Bushtuckapenguin:

    "Cassowary. If anyone need to into their enclosure there had to be two others in riot gear. Nothing makes you sh*t yourself more than scrambling behind them and hear the karate kick off the gods smashing a shield behind you."

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About This Tool

Zookeeper is a tough job and different from people's imagination. We are lucky that we can visit a variety of animals in zoos around the world, and the zoo workers try their best to take good care of them. However, many of these animals are very dangerous, especially when they are in a restricted zoo, that is probably why some of the zoo animals are also jerks.

Some zoo workers would like to share and explain their stories with animal jerks on social media. Here the random tool collected 15 interesting stories that reveal these animals are the biggest jerks in the zoos.

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