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    A Ghost Asking For Directions

    A Ghost Asking For Directions

    [ranking: 1]
    From Redditor /u/DrBasia:
    Work as a doctor in a hospital in the UK, was on a night shift that was particularly quiet and some of the nurses were sitting around telling this story:
    A young doctor was running to a crash call. Our hospital is a giant L shape, with the front entrance being at the bend. A woman stopped him and asked him which way the exit was. He directed her and kept running. When he got to the patient, it was the woman who asked him for directions. She [passed on].
    Apparently it got caught on the CCTV ?? that that doctor stopped mid-running down the hallway, and gestured toward the exit while saying something to no one in particular.

    A Heavy Morgue Door That Won??t Stay Shut

    A Heavy Morgue Door That Won??t Stay Shut

    [ranking: 2]
    From Redditor /u/LilithImmaculate:
    Used to work hospital security and we had video cameras accessible in the office.
    During body escorts, we kept finding the morgue door open. That was weird because it was a heavy door that could only be opened with a keycard. Pathologists were blaming security and security was blaming pathologists for leaving it open, as we were the only two groups with access. I did a body escort one day, made sure to close the door behind me and went back to work. Not even a half hour later, the office got a call [complaining] the ??last guard left the door open.??
    I swore up and down I didn??t and went to check the cameras. The cameras showed me pulling the door shut, pushing on it and then wiggling the locked handle to ensure it was closed. I wasn??t even out of frame from the camera yet before we could see the door swing ALL the way open, hit the wall and then slowly swing shut until it was slightly ajar.
    Still dunno what the f*ck

    People Disappearing Into The Basement

    People Disappearing Into The Basement

    [ranking: 3]
    From Redditor /u/planet__express:
    This happened a few years before I started working at my current job. The elevators in my building go down to the first and second basement. Late one night, one of our security guards spots a group of people heading into the elevator at Level 4. He thinks it??s curious because nobody is supposed to be in the building after midnight, so he keeps a close watch on all the lobby cameras to see which floor the group alights at.
    The doors open at Basement Two, but nobody comes out. The second guard scurries down to the elevator doors while the first guard keeps his eye on the cameras to make sure no one has left. When the second guard gets to the basement elevator, he looks puzzled and searches around. He comes back to the guard station to confirm that it??s empty.
    Putting the building on lockdown, the two guards spend the rest of the night combing the building together but they were unable to find anyone or anything. They decide to call the police, who review the footage and see the same thing. In the end, the sighting was still unexplained but my workplace decided to stop being cheap and install security cameras in the elevators too.

    The Creepy Hotel

    The Creepy Hotel

    [ranking: 4]
    From Redditor /u/BurberryCustardbath:
    I used to work overnights at a hotel, and would monitor the security cameras. They would detect motion and a little indicator would blink when motion was?? well, detected. Anyway, it always gave me the creeps when I??d hear the elevator ding?? I??d run out to the lobby to great the guest to make sure they didn??t need something or whatever, and nobody would get off the elevator. I??d watch the tapes and see the motion indicator blinking on a floor, then see the elevator open on that floor, then see the elevator open on the ground floor and the motion indicator blink on the camera down the hall. Gave me the heeby jeebies.
    Also one time I was in my office in the middle of the night and it sounded like someone banged on the door with the side of their fist. Just one single SLAM. You can see me reacting to it on the video - my head whipped to face the door where the sound came from, then immediately whipped around to stare at the camera to see who the f*ck was outside my door. There was nobody there, and none of the motion sensors had picked up anything. Not fun finishing the rest of that shift.

    Flying Glasses

    Flying Glasses

    [ranking: 5]
    From Redditor /u/release_the_hound:
    I work in a nice casino as a bar manager, and was standing next to one of my bars one night talking to the bartender. I saw a glass fly off the shelf behind him and it broke at his feet. I swore that I saw it go out before it went down, so I went to the surveillance room to double check. Sure enough, the champagne tulip was completely still, and the suddenly shot out about a foot before going down. No other glassware moved, and then I saw myself freak out on camera. Bartender is a seasoned old guy, but that one got to him.

    A Prisoner Who Just Disappeared

    A Prisoner Who Just Disappeared

    [ranking: 6]
    From Redditor /u/Bb21297:
    I worked in a maximum security prison for awhile. I was assigned to central control one night, which is where the camera screens were.
    One of the cameras was for the classifications room. I glanced at it and there was an inmate in there. This was super odd because it was two in the morning and nobody was supposed to be in there. Everyone that had keys to that room went home at 5.
    Anyways, so this inmate is just sitting in there doing nothing. I got the sergeant??s attention and told him someone was in there, and gave him the spare key to the room. He went to go check it out with a couple of other people, but by the time they got there, the room was empty. They searched for like 15 minutes but there was definitely no one in there.

    A Man Who Likes To Stare

    A Man Who Likes To Stare

    [ranking: 7]
    From Redditor /u/ZelpherXeis:
    I work security. During the weekdays I??m doing parking, while weekends I??m at the desk solo.
    I??ll always remember this one Saturday. It was the second shift ever working the weekend and i was watching the cameras when this one guy came to the side door. He looked around inside and just before I could activate the speaker to let him know he was on private property he looked directly at the camera and stared what felt like a minute. When I took my hand away from the button he started to walk away.
    I ran to the side door to see if i could see where the hell he was walking and he was gone. The only thing that was in that direction was more freaking wall. So to this day whenever I??m watching the cameras, I??m waiting for this guy.

    A Mysterious Man Who Could Not Be Found

    A Mysterious Man Who Could Not Be Found

    [ranking: 8]
    From Redditor /u/eiram777:
    I work for a security company, we install and monitor CCTV on construction sites.
    One night (about 2am) our response officer gets a call from the monitoring station to say there??s a guy walking around one of the buildings under construction. They described him as tall, dressed in all black with his hood up, but couldn??t see his face because he had his back to the camera. He wasn??t stealing or vandalizing, just wandering around (usually homeless looking for shelter).
    So the response goes to investigate. When he gets there there??s nobody around, so he asks the station to check the camera covering the way in/out of the building to see which direction he went, but there??s nothing. He does a full patrol of the site and there??s no trace of anyone.
    The only other way for this guy to get out was to shimmy down scaffolding and he could be hurt so the response officer asks the station to do a check on all of the camera footage through the night to see if there??s any sign of him leaving. Nothing.
    The next day we ask the station to send over the stills from when they initially picked the intruder up. He??s not on any of them. Just footage of our response officer walking around.
    We were pretty freaked out talking about it in the office and it was laughed off as the monitoring officer being sleepy and seeing things, except the cameras we use have IR beams and they only alert the monitoring station when someone breaks them.

    A Washing Machine That Tears Itself Apart

    A Washing Machine That Tears Itself Apart

    [ranking: 9]
    From Redditor /u/beatsnstuffz:
    I used to work security at a college dorm and I once witnessed one of the doors on a washing machine slowly open itself and proceed to tear itself clean off of the machine. Told my boss this ??creepy story?? and showed him the video and he made me review camera footage for the rest of the night to find out who broke the machine despite the fact that he watched it break itself.

    A Vanishing Bike

    A Vanishing Bike

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor /u/tjs252:
    I used to have an apartment pretty close to my office. The office building was kind of in a business district, but it was also kind of off on its own relative to the city??s commercial district ??footprint.??
    I sold the apartment and before moving into my new home, I left my bicycle chained to the building??s bike rack. It was only going to be there for a few days in that no man??s land before I was able to move into the new place.
    Anyway, one day in the middle of the week, I come into the office, walk past the bike rack and notice that it??s completely empty. The building has a bunch of security cameras and one more or less is facing the bike rack since it??s adjacent to the front entryway. I sit and watch the security tape with the IT guy. We??re watching, see everyone leave the office the night before, see the bike, keep watching, then all of a sudden poof, bike gone. We slowed the tape down and it seemed like when you??re watching digital cable or satellite and the image gets garbled. Literally it was bike there, then poof gone. In the tape??s time stamp it literally happened in one second. I assume my bike got taken to the upside down.

    Light Orbs Around A Nursing Home

    Light Orbs Around A Nursing Home

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/tonytwotimes505:
    Used to see little crescent shaped light orbs floating around the back dock of a nursing home I did a little security for when I was young.
    First time I saw it I thought it was a reflection of a flashlight and that somebody was screwing around behind the building. I jumped up and ran to that door only to find that it was pitch dark and no movement of any kind going on.
    Only explanation I was ever able to come up with is it had something to do with the electrical panel energizing when the ac units would kick on. Don??t know for sure but it made me feel a little better.
    Also around that time the nurses found a cat that had been deboned, sprawled out on the sidewalk in front of the healthcare entrance. Paws and skull were the only hard bits left.

    Wounded Man Appears Out Of Nowhere

    Wounded Man Appears Out Of Nowhere

    [ranking: 12]
    From Redditor /u/etchie:
    I edited together the footage from the security cameras outside Pulse before, during and after the shooting. Though there were many sad and/or disturbing things to be seen, the strange one was a wounded man that appeared out of nowhere.
    He waved his hands for help and he cops came over and carried him to safety. I tried numerous times to rewind to find out where he came from, but he was just there or he wasn??t. He didn??t crawl to where he had gotten, he just appeared.
    He looked like he made it out okay.


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About Random Creepiest Things People Who Work In Surveillance Described They’ve Seen On Video

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things people who work in surveillance described they’ve seen on video. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things People Who Work In Surveillance Described They’ve Seen On Video" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things people who work in surveillance described they’ve seen on video shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

The world is a spooky place filled to the brim with terrifying jobs. Take security workers; these people are responsible for keeping people and locations safe from all kinds of threats, both mortal and macabre. While this often boils down to petty offenses caught on surveillance cameras, guards can also be tasked with monitering scary surveillance videos that seem to bend the rules of reality. 

With the rising popularity of surveillance equipment - from dash cams in cars to electronic doorbells that show you who is at the door - it's never been easier to keep an eye on places from afar. With all that footage, there's bound to be more than a few creepy surveilance videos out there, and some brave souls on Reddit have stepped up to detail their most chilling stories. 

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