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    Highschool DxD

    Issei Hyoudou

    [ranking: 65]
    Highschool DxD

    Hataraku Maou-sama

    Maou Sadao

    [ranking: 44]
    Hataraku Maou-sama

    Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball: The Path to Power, Dragonball Evolution

    Master Roshi

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    One Piece (JP), Dream Soccer King!, One Piece Movie: The Desert Princess and the Pirates: Adventures in Alabasta


    [ranking: 9]
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    Erza Scarlet

    [ranking: 24]


    [ranking: 22]


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About Random Funniest Anime Characters of All Time

It's an exciting tool for displaying random funniest anime characters of all time. We collected a list of "Random Funniest Anime Characters of All Time" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random funniest anime characters of all time shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

With all the fighting that goes on in shonen anime, it's sometimes refreshing to have a characters offer up some laughs. Who are the best comic relief characters in anime? It's a tough line to tow sometimes when going back and forth between drama and comedy. The funniest anime characters offer you just enough comedy where you can still take what's going on seriously. If a character has too many goofy lines during a serious scene, it can take you out of the moment. For example, Buggy the Clown gets a lot of screen time during the Marineford War Arc in One Piece, which can get annoying when there is so much serious stuff happening in the story.

Vote up the funny anime characters below that really make you laugh, but also aren't extremely annoying. Add your own comedic anime characters to the list too if they're not already here, and see how many other people think they're as funny as you do. 

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