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    Guardians of the Galaxy

    What Do You Call Security Guards Working Outside Of A Samsung Store?

    [ranking: 1]
    Guardians of the Galaxy

    They eat whatever bugs them.

    Why Are Frogs So Happy?

    [ranking: 2]
    They eat whatever bugs them.

    A waist of time 

    What Do You Call A Belt With A Watch On It?

    [ranking: 3]
    A waist of time 

    It was framed.

    Why Did The Picture Go To Jail?

    [ranking: 4]
    It was framed.

    A bulldozer.

    What Do You Call A Sleeping Bull?

    [ranking: 5]
    A bulldozer.

    Cell phones

    What Do Prisoners Use To Call Each Other?

    [ranking: 6]
    Cell phones

    An impasta

    What Do You Call A Fake Noodle?

    [ranking: 7]
    An impasta

    Spring time!

    What Season Is It When You're On A Trampoline?

    [ranking: 8]
    Spring time!

    You're looking sharp.

    What Did The Pencil Say To The Other Pencil?

    [ranking: 9]
    You're looking sharp.

    The lettuce was a "head" and the tomato was trying to "ketchup"! 

    Did You Hear About The Race Between The Lettuce And The Tomato?

    [ranking: 10]
    The lettuce was a "head" and the tomato was trying to "ketchup"! 

    He wanted cold hard cash!

    Why Did The Man Put His Money In The Freezer?

    [ranking: 11]
    He wanted cold hard cash!

    A stamp.

    What Stays In The Corner And Travels All Over The World?

    [ranking: 12]
    A stamp.

    Swimming trunks

    What Do You Get When You Cross A Fish With An Elephant?

    [ranking: 13]
    Swimming trunks


    What Sound Do Porcupines Make When They Kiss?

    [ranking: 14]

    Taxi drivers.

    Who Earns A Living Driving Their Customers Away?

    [ranking: 15]
    Taxi drivers.

    Every morning you'll rise and shine! 

    What Happens If you Eat Yeast And Shoe Polish?

    [ranking: 16]
    Every morning you'll rise and shine! 

    It wasn't peeling well.

    Why Did The Banana Go To The Doctor?

    [ranking: 17]
    It wasn't peeling well.

    Spoiled milk

    What Do You Get From A Pampered Cow?

    [ranking: 18]
    Spoiled milk


    What's It Called When A Cat Wins A Dog Show?

    [ranking: 19]

    Because they aaaaaaaaarrrrrrr

    Why Are Pirates Called Pirates?

    [ranking: 20]
    Because they aaaaaaaaarrrrrrr

    Because the Queen has reigned there for years!

    Why Is England The Wettest Country

    [ranking: 21]
    Because the Queen has reigned there for years!

    The BP Station.

    Where Do Bees Go To The Bathroom?

    [ranking: 22]
    The BP Station.

    The pupil

    What's The Most Hardworking Part Of The Eye

    [ranking: 23]
    The pupil

    A chimp off the old block.

    What Do You Call A Baby Monkey?

    [ranking: 24]
    A chimp off the old block.


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About Random Funniest Jokes For Kids

It's an exciting tool for displaying random funniest jokes for kids. We collected a list of "Random Funniest Jokes For Kids" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random funniest jokes for kids shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

One of the best things that you can do for a child is to help them develop their sense of humor. Studies show that kids who grow up without a joke book in the house end up as prisoners in a maximum security prison, and possibly even as US Senators. And that’s the last thing you want. Kids with a sense of humor grow up to have more friends, and are able to fit in easier at school, so why aren’t you telling them some jokes? Here's a list I put together my favorite one liners, puns, goofy riddles, and silly jokes.

Kids come in all shapes, and sizes. They’re precocious, smart, tough, and funny. One of the best ways to usher them through their formative years is to help them construct their sense of humor, and one of the best ways to do that is by telling them jokes. The jokes on this list are not only great for kids, they’re perfect for the whole family. Why not sit your family down and pass these jokes around the fireplace? I can’t think of a more perfect way to spend your evening. Ignore everything your mother told you about acting your age and enjoy these hilarious jokes for kids.

Vote on your favorite joke that’s great for kids.

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