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    Naruto And Gaara

    Naruto And Gaara

    [ranking: 9]
    Naruto manages to convince Gaara to give up a life of violence and replace it with service to others. He does this by empathizing with Gaara's history and showing him a new way to exist in the world. The fact that a single conversation between the two of them leaves such an impact on Gaara's life is incredible, and it probably means he needs more Naruto in his life.
    For Naruto's part, he appears delighted whenever he sees Gaara and feels incredibly proud of him for becoming Kazekage.

    Madara And Hashirama

    Madara And Hashirama

    [ranking: 6]
    Madara and Hashirama are two of the most powerful legendary ninja in Konoha history, and a love story between the two could be equally so. While the two have decidedly different ideas about how to go about running the newly formed city, they also possess immense respect for one another and consider the other a proper rival.
    With all of that intense emotion flying around, it wouldn't be at all surprising if the two of them occasionally turned that passion into something that didn't involve fighting.

    Kakashi And Gai

    Kakashi And Gai

    [ranking: 11]
    Considering how often Kakashi and Gai seem to go on vacation together in Boruto, it wouldn't be surprising if something goes on behind the scenes. These two have known each other since childhood, and while their personalities are complete opposites, they appear to find the other's endearing, if a little exasperating, too.
    They trust and respect each other implicitly, and share an ease of interaction Kakashi never exhibits with anyone else. Besides that, their ridiculous rivalry is straight-up adorable.

    Naruto And Sasuke

    Naruto And Sasuke

    [ranking: 3]
    The relationship between Naruto and Sasuke emerged as probably the most popular one in the Naruto fandom, excluding the canon pairings. This happened for a reason - out of everyone Naruto encounters throughout the series, Sasuke receives the most of his affection. The titular character willingly risks his life to save Sasuke from getting himself killed in pursuit of revenge. He never gives up on him, and loves him unconditionally, even when he becomes an enemy of the state.
    For Sasuke, someone who lost his entire family to a series of brutal murders, having someone always at your back no matter what proves invaluable. However you choose to interpret it, the love between these two is real.

    Rock Lee And Tenten

    Rock Lee And Tenten

    [ranking: 7]
    Though a fun character, Tenten sees little romantic development during Naruto - especially not when compared to her other teammates. It would be awesome to see her actually get an arc to herself - one that involves developing a romantic relationship with her teammate, Lee. While Lee is definitely more ridiculous than Tenten is, the two of them share a lighthearted approach to life, but they can both get serious when necessary. More than just partners on multiple ninja missions, they go through the unique experience of being taught by Gai while also mourning the loss of their teammate Neji.
    What's more, there's a fan theory suggesting Metal, Lee's son, might also be Tenten's. This isn't confirmed by canon, but he does kind of look like her.

    Tsunade And A

    Tsunade And A

    [ranking: 14]
    Can true love blossom through flexing contests? Definitely! Tsunade and A are both leaders of their respective nations, which means both of them are well-acquainted with the pressures that come with lots of responsibility. More than just being leaders, they also share similar interests, including working out until they're totally shredded and getting drunk.
    The two could have a fun, relaxed, mutually supportive relationship - and they somewhat do in one episode of Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals. So, hey, actual Naruto canon? Get on this.


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About Random Greatest Non-Canon 'Naruto' Ships

It's an exciting tool for displaying random greatest non-canon 'naruto' ships. We collected a list of "Random Greatest Non-Canon 'Naruto' Ships" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random greatest non-canon 'naruto' ships shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Canon Naruto pairings remain, to put it lightly, controversial. Some people love the relationships between Naruto and Hinata, and Sakura and Sasuke - but others wish it went down differently, many even shipping characters who the creators never planned for endgame relationships. That's where awesome non-canon ships come in - after all, a ship never needs to sail for it to have a real basis, or for it to interest fans. Whether you want to accept it or not, anime fans consider shipping to be a big deal, as evidenced by more than a few controversial anime ships.

Some of these ships are obvious - Yahiko and Konan being a couple is hinted at pretty heavily in canon, and Naruto and Sasuke are star-crossed lovers who would end up together if not for the whole heteronormativity thing. Others get a little more creative - did you know that Kakashi x Iruka is one of the most popular pairings in the Japanese fandom, even though the two don't interact much? No matter what they are, non-canon ships are a great way to engage with the fandom and get your creative juices flowing.

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