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    Mike Pence

    Mike Pence

    [ranking: 1]

    Birthplace: Columbus, Indiana, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Michele Bachmann

    Michele Bachmann

    [ranking: 2]

    Birthplace: Waterloo, Iowa, USA

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Rick Perry

    Rick Perry

    [ranking: 3]

    Birthplace: Paint Creek, Texas, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin

    [ranking: 4]

    Mike Huckabee

    Mike Huckabee

    [ranking: 5]

    Birthplace: Hope, Arkansas, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Rick Santorum

    Rick Santorum

    [ranking: 6]

    Birthplace: Virginia, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Jim DeMint

    Jim DeMint

    [ranking: 7]
    According to a Spartanburg Herald-Journal report on a Jim DeMint church rally in 2010: "DeMint said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn’t be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who’s sleeping with her boyfriend - she shouldn’t be in the classroom."
    Birthplace: Greenville, South Carolina, USA
    Nationality: United States of America
    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Michael Dean Crapo

    Michael Dean Crapo

    [ranking: 8]
    Voted yes on a constitutional ban of same-sex marriage, and voted no on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. Birthplace: Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States of America
    Nationality: United States of America
    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Ted Cruz

    Ted Cruz

    [ranking: 9]

    Birthplace: Calgary, Canada

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Marco Rubio

    Marco Rubio

    [ranking: 10]

    Birthplace: Miami, Florida, United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Newt Gingrich

    Newt Gingrich

    [ranking: 11]

    Birthplace: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Bobby Jindal

    Bobby Jindal

    [ranking: 12]

    Birthplace: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Mitt Romney

    Mitt Romney

    [ranking: 13]

    Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan, USA

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Rand Paul

    Rand Paul

    [ranking: 14]

    Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Thad Cochran

    Thad Cochran

    [ranking: 15]
    Voted no on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation, voted yes on a constitutional same-sex marriage ban. Birthplace: Tupelo, MS Micropolitan Statistical Area, Mississippi, Pontotoc, United States of America, + more
    Nationality: United States of America
    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Lindsey Graham

    Lindsey Graham

    [ranking: 16]

    Birthplace: Central, South Carolina, USA

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Mitch McConnell

    Mitch McConnell

    [ranking: 17]

    Birthplace: Sheffield, Alabama, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Orrin Hatch

    Orrin Hatch

    [ranking: 18]

    Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America

    Nationality: United States of America

    Party (if partisan): Republican Party

    Eric Cantor

    Eric Cantor

    [ranking: 19]
    “There are those of us who have personal religious convictions. And I think we as a country need to respect people about their opinion, no matter which side you come down on.” - Eric Cantor defending his opposition to gay marriage in 2013
    Cantor voted against the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, voted not to protect LGBT employees from discrimination in the office, and voted against extending hate crimes protections to include LGBT victims.
    Birthplace: Richmond, Virginia, USA
    Nationality: United States of America
    Party (if partisan): Republican Party


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About Random Most Anti-Gay US Politicians

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most anti-gay us politicians. We collected a list of "Random Most Anti-Gay US Politicians" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most anti-gay us politicians shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Who are the most anti-gay US politicians? The list is a long one, including politicians from both parties (though a majority are Republican). The politicians listed here have spoken out vocally against gay rights, most notably gay marriage.

Anti-gay politicians are the elected leaders whose rhetoric is often totally over-the-top against LGBT rights. Their voting record on key civil rights issues speaks for itself. Some of these conservative politicians are members of the US House of Representatives, while others are US Senators.

Former GOP presidential candidates are also on this list, including former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum and former Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Both have been vocal and steadfast in their opposition to gay rights for years - Santorum even compared gay marriage to sex with dogs.

Who are the anti-gay politicians? This list features Republicans and Democrats against gay marriage.

For more information on anti-gay politicians and activists, check out this list of the top 15 anti-gay activists caught being gay. You might also be interested in these lists of Republican and Democratic sex scandals over the years.

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