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    Maes Hughes Loves His Family In 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood'

    Maes Hughes Loves His Family In 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood'

    [ranking: 1]
    Maes Hughes is to wholesomeness as Naruto is to ninja who wear orange tracksuits. This character loves his wife and daughter so much, and he demonstrates this by constantly showing off pictures of them, and bragging about how great they are to anyone who will listen.
    The unabashed joy he takes in his family makes his character memorable, even though he's only in the series for a short time before his tragic death.
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    #62 of 114 on 50+ Anime Characters Who Deserve Their Own Show #1 of 104 on The 25+ Saddest Anime Deaths of All Time #10 of 94 on The Funniest Anime Characters of All Time #28 of 142 on The Best Anime Characters With Black Hair

    Ochaco Uraraka Is A Model Hero In 'My Hero Academia'

    Ochaco Uraraka Is A Model Hero In 'My Hero Academia'

    [ranking: 2]
    Most of the kids at UA High School are pretty darn wholesome, but Ochaco Uraraka practically defines the term. Her crush on Midoriya is ridiculously adorable, as is her superpower itself, which is the ability to make objects float. But the best thing about Ochaco is her drive to make sacrifices to help others.
    Whether it's dedicating herself to earning money to help out her impoverished parents, or trying to give away points in a competition that she thought someone else deserved more, Ochaco is a model hero. 

    Hinata Hyuga Is Doing Her Best In 'Naruto'

    Hinata Hyuga Is Doing Her Best In 'Naruto'

    [ranking: 3]
    Initially seen as one of the weaker members of her cohort, Hinata Hyuuga learns to be a competent ninja. She does this through a combination of determination and courage. Hinata fell in love with Naruto Uzumaki after realizing how much she admired him, and how much his presence encouraged her to improve herself.
    She's shy and lacks confidence, so she doesn't realize that she's also an inspiration to others, especially her younger sister Hanabi and her cousin Neji. Hinata is trying her best in a difficult world, and it's hard not to love her for it. Oh, and she has one other surprisingly adorable trait - viewers of Boruto know that she can easily best Naruto Uzumaki in a ramen eating contest. 
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    #8 of 133 on The Best Naruto Characters #6 of 1303 on The Best Female Anime Characters #54 of 114 on 50+ Anime Characters Who Deserve Their Own Show #62 of 1136 on The Very Best Anime Characters

    Mumen Rider Takes Heroism Seriosuly In 'One Punch Man'

    Mumen Rider Takes Heroism Seriosuly In 'One Punch Man'

    [ranking: 4]
    Mumen Rider isn't the most talented hero in the world of One Punch Man, but he's certainly the most earnest. Though he has qualified to move up from a C in the Hero Ranking System to a B, he won't actually take the promotion until he's earned it on his own terms.
    Nevertheless, he'll still go up against villains deemed too powerful for him to handle, because Mumen Rider never gives up, and is always there to help people in need.

    The Body Improvement Club Will Help Anyone Get Buff In 'Mob Psycho 100'

    The Body Improvement Club Will Help Anyone Get Buff In 'Mob Psycho 100'

    [ranking: 5]
    When you think about wholesome people, you may not immediately think about muscular teenage boys who spend all their time working out. But the members of the Body Improvement Club, which operates out of Salt Middle School, are some of the kindest people around.
    Led by the heavily side-burned Musashi Goda, the team completes a rigorous daily exercise that includes a 5 km morning run, squats, and weight-lifting. Despite their obvious physical prowess, they're more than happy to include tiny, out-of-shape Mob Kageyama when he shows interest in improving his fitness. They also recruit Tenga Onigawara, a tough kid whose classmates ostracized him, giving him both a new social group and something to focus on besides causing trouble. 

    Tohru Honda Lifts Up Others In 'Fruits Basket'

    Tohru Honda Lifts Up Others In 'Fruits Basket'

    [ranking: 6]
    Tohru Honda is one of the sweetest, kindest people in anime history. Her primary goal in life is to make sure her loved ones are happy, confident, and well cared for. She's a deeply empathetic person who finds the good in even the most challenging of personalities. In the final episode, she even tries to understand Akito and talk him through his problems - while he's actively attacking her.
    Her fatal flaw is that she often forgets to award herself the same compassion she bestows upon others. Some of the sweetest moments in Fruits Basket come when Yuki or Kyo step in and remind her to fulfill her own needs as well. 
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    #5 of 20 on 20 Heartwarming Anime Quotes You Can't Help But Smile At #24 of 113 on The Best Anime Characters With Brown Hair #11 of 20 on The Best Anime Girls: Who Is The Internet's Waifu In 2019? #13 of 13 on 13 Anime Characters Who Were Introduced That Fans Hated

    Ryuuichi Kashima Is The Best Big Brother In 'School Babysitters'

    Ryuuichi Kashima Is The Best Big Brother In 'School Babysitters'

    [ranking: 7]
    After their parents died in a plane crash, 14-year-old Ryuuichi Kashima ended up taking care of his baby brother Kotaro. While they have an actual adult guardian, Ryuuichi loves the little boy so much that he wants to be his primary caretaker - and it's easy when he spends so much of his time working at the daycare center at his school.
    Ryuuichi not only looks after his brother, he also gets to know the other children there.  

    Akio And Sanae Furukawa Love Their Daughter And Each Other In 'CLANNAD'

    Akio And Sanae Furukawa Love Their Daughter And Each Other In 'CLANNAD'

    [ranking: 8]
    Akio and Sanae Furukawa love the heck out of their daughter Nagisa, and they do everything they can to show it. Not only are they constantly telling her how great she is, they also help her in some seriously meaningful ways. They let her boyfriend Tomoya live with them after he has a falling out with his abusive father. When Nagisa worries that her poor health has held her parents back from achieving their dreams, they reassure her that she is their dream. 
    When they aren't being amazing parents, they're also being great spouses. Akio and Sanae flirt openly, extol each other's virtues publicly, and have countless in-jokes that prove that their love connection goes deep.
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    #7 of 38 on The Best Father Characters In Anime #4 of 15 on Anime Parents So Awesome You Wish They'd Raised You #60 of 60 on 30+ Hot-Headed Anime Characters That Are Easy to P*ss Off

    Tsumugi Inuzuka Acts Like A Five-Year-Old In 'Sweetness & Lightning'

    Tsumugi Inuzuka Acts Like A Five-Year-Old In 'Sweetness & Lightning'

    [ranking: 9]
    Tsumugi Inuzuka is a five-year-old girl, so it's safe to assume there's not a bad bone in her body. Still, Tsumugi is especially noteworthy because of how realistic she is. Unlike many anime children who act like tiny, petulant adults, Tsumugi actually acts her age. She delights in cooking with her dad, but gets sad when she has to eat bell peppers.
    She has a great time playing with her friends at school, but gets involved in silly misunderstandings about things like whether or not she stole clay. In every way, Tsumugi feels real - and that's what makes her so wholesome.

    Eru Chitanda Wants To Solve Mysteries In 'Hyouka'

    Eru Chitanda Wants To Solve Mysteries In 'Hyouka'

    [ranking: 10]
    Eru Chitanda is a girl on a mission - she wants to know everything about everything, which often means solving mysteries with the help of her friends. Her zest for understanding shows in her high-pitched voice, sparkling eyes, and general sense of wonder about the world around her.
    It's amazing to see someone who cares so much about every little thing, and it's even more incredible to see her pull her classmate Hotarou Oreki out of his lazy slump by getting him involved in helping her out.
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    #4 of 20 on The 20 Best Taurus Anime Characters Born April 20 - May 20 #16 of 40 on The 30+ Most Optimistic Anime Characters of All Time

    Naru Kotoishi Is More Helpful Than She Knows In 'Barakamon'

    Naru Kotoishi Is More Helpful Than She Knows In 'Barakamon'

    [ranking: 11]
    For a little girl, Naru Kotoishi is surprisingly perceptive. When she first meets Seishuu Handa, she inserts herself into his life. Whether she's sneaking into his house to play or dragging him outside to play with her, Naru makes his life genuinely better through sheer force of will.
    Handa may find her mildly annoying, but he actually needs someone who's too young to be argued with to force him into engaging with the community and building a less stressful life. For the most part, Naru just wants to play, but she also seems to know that Handa needs someone to force him to enjoy life. 

    The Kawamato Sisters Spread The Love In 'March Comes In Like A Lion'

    The Kawamato Sisters Spread The Love In 'March Comes In Like A Lion'

    [ranking: 12]
    It's hard to say which of the Kawamato Sisters is the most wholesome. Is it Akari, who not only keeps her own family together after their mother's untimely death, but also welcomes the reclusive and anxious Rei Kiriyama into her home? 
    Is it Hina, who stands up for her bullied classmate and helps Rei come to terms with his own past victimization? Or is it Momo, an adorable little girl who likes kitties and candy? Who knows, but they're all absolutely wonderful.

    Phichit Chulanont Supports His Friends In 'Yuri!!! On ICE'

    Phichit Chulanont Supports His Friends In 'Yuri!!! On ICE'

    [ranking: 13]
    Yuri!!! on ICE is generally a wholesome show, but one character truly stands out. Phichit Chulanont, Yuuri Katsuki's best friend, is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most adorable characters in all of anime. He's a professional ice skater from Thailand whose dream is to bring notoriety to his often overlooked country. He does this through skating routines set to music from his favorite Thai movie, The King and The Skater. 
    While winning is unquestionably important to Phichit, he's also super supportive of his friends' dreams. Even though Yuuri comes from Japan, a country that's already well-represented in the skating world, he still wants to see his friend overcome his anxiety and make his own dreams come true. Also, he has three pet hamsters who are the color of bronze, silver, and gold medals. If that's not wholesome, nothing is.

    Onoda Sakamichi Is The Cutest Anime Fan In 'Yowamushi Pedal'

    Onoda Sakamichi Is The Cutest Anime Fan In 'Yowamushi Pedal'

    [ranking: 14]
    Anime can be kind of brutal when it comes to depicting its fans. While the skewering is often from a place of love, it's nice to have a few unrelentingly positive examples of anime lovers. Onoda Sakamichi is the perfect combination of unabashed and adorable about his love for magical girl and mecha anime.
    At the beginning of Yowamushi Pedal, Onoda tries to start an anime club where he can make friends who share his interest. This doesn't work out, but he does meet people who notice his incredible biking prowess, which he attained by taking daily two-hour bike trips from Chiba to Akihabara to buy anime merchandise. He joins the bike team and learns to enjoy a new activity - while still retaining his love for anime, and encouraging his teammates to get into it too. 


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About Random Most Wholesome Anime Characters Of All Time

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most wholesome anime characters of all time. We collected a list of "Random Most Wholesome Anime Characters Of All Time" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most wholesome anime characters of all time shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

When the world is getting you down, sometimes there's nothing more appealing than wholesome anime characters. Watching genuinely kind, inspiring, and adorable characters do their thing is a wonderful way to lift a bad mood, or give yourself the warm fuzzies. 

These uplifting characters come in many forms. Sometimes they're cute little kids like Tsumugi Inuzuka, who delights Sweetness & Lightning viewers by acting like a realistic small child. Sometimes they're a group of musclebound teenage boys who want to help their classmates get buff too, like the helpful and supportive Body Improvement Club of Mob Psycho 100. These characters might seem wildly different, but the warm feeling you get watching them is much the same. 

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