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    Face It

    Face It

    [ranking: 17]
    From user mikemcg:
    "Once a month for a few months a woman would submit upwards of 200 pictures through our online service of just her face at various angles. Of all the nudes and gore, this was the strangest. She wasn't a particularly attractive woman, certainly not one you'd wish to spend 10 minutes looking at from every possible angle.

    A Terrible Scene

    A Terrible Scene

    [ranking: 3]
    From user irishliam:
    "While I was still in school, I worked in a camera store, and we developed pics. The printing tech called me upstairs one day to show me something he thought was quite odd.
    This sweet old lady had handed in a roll of film and an old photo where the clouds kind of, sort of, but not really at all, looked like god, and she wanted it copied. She was a typical god-fearing, Catholic old Irish woman. The odd thing was what was in her roll of film. The shots were mainly of typical family pics taken in Spain: happy family group shots, grandkids playing, the usual. Except right in the middle of the roll were four shots of a guy in his mid 30s laying underneath a chair in a pool of his own blood.
    Naturally I called the police, and they sent two detectives down to look at the shots. They were really cool, and decided to organize a little sting. When the woman returned I was to stall her, while we called the detectives, who were waiting in a car around the corner. All went according to plan and they met her when outside discreetly when she left the store.
    The detectives were nice enough to come back and tell us the results. It turns out the man in the photos was the woman's son, who was a raging alcoholic. The photos were taken after a particularly drunken binge where he nearly killed himself. She took them to show him once he was sober at an intervention they had planned.
    He died the week previous, and she had completely forgotten about the photos, and fell apart when the detectives showed them to her. I'll never forget it."

    It's A Miracle.

    It's A Miracle.

    [ranking: 13]
    From a deleted user:
    "We had these printers that people could upload their own pictures and print them off by themselves. We would collect the photos from the printers, bag them, and ring them up. Once a lady came in and worked at the kiosk for a few minutes. No big deal. Then her pictures start printing out. My coworker went to grab them and as a store policy, we have to inspect them for any illegal activity. This lady had someone take pictures of her giving birth. On the business end. Every stretching, gooey, hairy, bloody moment. My coworker suddenly looked like he was going to bite concrete so I went over and asked if he was okay. That's when he shoved the pictures at me and told me he was going to take a break. Good GOD these pictures were graphic. I just bagged them up, charged the lady and tried to forget about it."

    Crappy Photos

    Crappy Photos

    [ranking: 4]
    From user Acidmoxy:
    "I've worked as a photo lab tech for six years or so. I've seen hundreds of sex photos. Lots of people thinking it's a great idea to take snaps of their weed growing setups. Twice I've called the Gardai on perverts with child porn. A very polite, respectable, middle aged banker who wears very expensive dresses and wigs. Once I got an entire roll of film that seemed to be a guy taking pics of every crap he made that month."

    Can You Look At KFC The Same Way Again?

    Can You Look At KFC The Same Way Again?

    [ranking: 8]
    From user hatefulhelp:
    "I work at a pharmacy/convenience store with photo processing. We're located directly next to a KFC, and once upon a time, a rather large 'shift leader' from KFC spent her lunch break at our walk-up photo kiosk making an elaborate collage out of close-up shots of her vagina. She spent quite a while in the store, with her photos in full public display, only to have her prints denied because, well, it was a page full of vaginas. Then she still came into the store regularly to buy cigarettes because KFC was right next door."

    What A Saga

    What A Saga

    [ranking: 7]
    From user ShowNuff_SMD:
    "A roll of film that had a woman in lingerie stripping with a dildo in each hand, and right before she got totally naked the next picture was of a kids playing soccer. Then later on in the roll there was a picture of a goat standing on a recliner in someone's living room."


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About Random Weirdest Pictures Photo Developers Described They've Ever Seen

It's an exciting tool for displaying random weirdest pictures photo developers described they've ever seen. We collected a list of "Random Weirdest Pictures Photo Developers Described They've Ever Seen" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random weirdest pictures photo developers described they've ever seen shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Everyone knows camera film needs to be developed in order to get your pictures, but do they ever consider the developers who will be seeing their prints? Clearly, such a thought never crossed the minds of any of the subjects of these photo developer horror stories. Like shocking family secrets, weird photos seen in photo tech labs never intended to be seen by unfamiliar eyes. But as is the case with the most scandalous of secrets, the craziest things seen by photo developers easily made their way onto the internet. Photo developers shared their weirdest stories on Reddit, much to the delight and horror of everyone who could bare to witness. While some of the scarier photos delve into darker territory, many of the funnier photos seen by photo lab techs simply leave you feeling quite amused at the brazenness of people and their cameras. 

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