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  • Luke’s old girlfriend comes to town and the writers have no idea what to do with her. on Random Biggest Mistakes Gilmore Girls

    (#5) Luke’s old girlfriend comes to town and the writers have no idea what to do with her.

    A common problem with Gilmore Girls, especially in its first season, is that it had so many characters in its massive ensemble that it didn’t know always know what to do with them (see also: Drella, the crabby harpist). The best example of this is Rachel, Luke's ex-girlfriend, who just shows up out of nowhere. Rachel mostly skulks around, tries to prove to Luke that she’s ready to stick around this time (she has a habit of bailing), and then - oh, right - bails to whatever purgatory television characters go to when they’re no longer necessary. Let’s assume it’s that church from the finale of Lost.
  • Jess was written off the show for a spin-off that never got picked up. on Random Biggest Mistakes Gilmore Girls

    (#9) Jess was written off the show for a spin-off that never got picked up.

    Because Rory’s boyfriends can only be on the show for so long before they disappear like members of Menudo, Amy Sherman-Palladino decided to spin fan favorite Jess (Milo Ventimiglia) off into his own show. Windward Circle would follow Jess as he tried to reconnect with his father, a Venice beach beatnik (Rob Estes) who lives with his new wife (Sherilyn Fenn) and their precocious daughter (sound familiar?), who likes to hide in closets. It’s as cloying as it sounds, and even Sherman-Palladino admitted the pilot wasn’t very good.

    Windward Circle didn’t get picked up by the network, meaning that Gilmore Girls burned off one of its strongest characters (and Rory’s only decent boyfriend) for a bad spinoff that didn’t happen. If there’s one thing that we should all be praying for in the Netflix movie, it’s that Rory-Jess shippers finally get the ending they deserve.
  • Dean's IQ gets lower - for no apparent reason - in each successive season. on Random Biggest Mistakes Gilmore Girls

    (#6) Dean's IQ gets lower - for no apparent reason - in each successive season.

    Gilmore Girls has a bad habit of changing its characters throughout the course of the show. For a good example, look no further than Dean Forester (Jared Padalecki), the Windy City transplant who increasingly becomes an insufferable jerk. In the pilot, Dean relocates to Stars Hollow from Chicago, and he’s immediately coded as “hip” and “with it.” You know this because he’s wearing a leather jacket, has a cool '90s haircut (those bangs!), listens to Liz Phair, and reads Hunter S. Thompson. He’s no Stephen Hawking, but he’s hardly one of the kids from Gummo.

    But by the beginning of season two, however, he may as well be enrolled in the Derek Zoolander School for Kids Who Can’t Read Good (and Want to Learn to Do Other Things Good Too). Rory is concerned he won’t get into a good school. He’s not smart enough to impress her grandfather. He develops an unhealthy rage streak. He starts speaking in grunts. By the time they hook up in the fifth season, Dean may as well be a
    Far Side cartoon.
  • Christopher and Lorelai get back together for no reason in Season 7. on Random Biggest Mistakes Gilmore Girls

    (#2) Christopher and Lorelai get back together for no reason in Season 7.

    Gilmore Girls’s Ross and Rachel problem meant that the show kept pushing Lorelai together with Christopher, her high school sweetheart and Rory’s father. In the show’s early years, it made sense - the two have a shared history and they seem to get each other in a way no one else does. (Getting pregnant at 16 breeds a certain familiarity.) But the romantic tension dragged on way past its expiration date, culminating in a seventh season arc where the two pull a Kardashian. Lorelai and Chris get hitched in Paris, before having the union annulled quicker than you can say “jump the shark.”
  • The entire Digger-Lorelai relationship is filler. on Random Biggest Mistakes Gilmore Girls

    (#3) The entire Digger-Lorelai relationship is filler.

    If you can get a great guest star on your show, surely you’ve got to use them right? '90s indie movie darling Chris Eigeman signed onto the fourth season of Gilmore Girls as Jason “Digger” Stiles, the much younger business associate of Lorelai’s father, Richard. As the one-time muse of Whit Stillman and Noah Baumbach, Eigeman is perfect casting for Gilmore Girls (the man knows how to handle a dense script), but Digger would have been better suited as one of Rory’s professors at Yale, not a Lorelai love interest.

    If you have a hard time taking seriously any man whose name is “Digger,” the producers may as well have hung “FILLER BOYFRIEND” across his neck (on that note, remember Alex?). Gilmore Girls never gave you a reason to root for their relationship.
  • Rory gets two new best friends (that no one cares about). on Random Biggest Mistakes Gilmore Girls

    (#7) Rory gets two new best friends (that no one cares about).

    In the show’s endless roster of useless characters (hello there, Lindsay and Tobin), none were less ancillary than Lucy and Olivia, better known as the “art girls.” You probably had to actually look up their characters’ names, because they’re so utterly devoid of personality or purpose. Played by Michelle Ongkingco and Krysten Ritter - who would go onto kick butt on Jessica Jones - they were introduced as stock “college friends” during Rory’s sophomore year at Yale. One question though: If you have Paris Geller, who needs other friends?

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