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  • (#2) Too Good For The Job

    Posted by Redditor u/owlmoose:

    Girl snorted in disgust when I asked her to clear a table in her section. Wouldn't be shown how to set a table, and snapped at another manager.

    "Do you even want to be here?" I asked.

    "Not really."

    "OK, grab your stuff, good luck to you."

  • (#25) Cord Cutter

    Posted by Redditor u/imar0ckstar:

    We had an intern one semester...he was handed a large bundle of zip tied cables and asked to cut them apart and separate them. He literally cut the entire bundle in half rather then cut the zip ties to separate them. Lost $2000 worth of cables. Fired that day.

  • (#22) Bird Brain

    Posted by Redditor u/neclord84:

    I have been a fast food manager a long time so I have hired and fired a ton of people. Guy within 90 minutes of starting just started eating food off the cooks line. I walked around the corner he just looks at me and takes a bite out of a chicken strip. I am not a big yeller but I straight up ejected that dude like a baseball umpire. "THAT'S IT YOU'RE OUTTA HERE".

  • (#7) Impersonating A Police Officer

    Posted by Redditor u/Icarus638:

    I didn't fire this guy personally but I did one better, I arrested him.

    I'm a police officer in the UK, I was forced to help on a recruitment event in our headquarters where applicants turned up, listened to a talk and did a few exams. Almost all wore suits or shirts and ties, except one... One was wearing a black polo shirt, black combat trousers and tactical boots, wierd and a bad impression but whatever.

    Whilst they do the exam I went into the yard for a smoke, all the applicants had to park in a certain area, which was just by the smoking shelter. One car stood out, it looked just like our unmarked cars, exactly like our unmarkeds. I was a little confused so I had a closer look at it. It had radiator lights and on the back seat was a police issue stab vest.

    I thought that it must be one of our cars parked in the wrong place, it happens. After the exam they left, I watched them leave and lo and behold polo shirt man gets in the "unmarked car". Immediately I jump in a real unmarked and take off after him. I found him 2 streets away putting blue lights on and driving through a red light. I overtook him, put my lights on and blocked him. He gets out waving a fake warrant card telling me he was en route to an emergency.

    Arrested for impersonating a police officer. He was also suspected of doing the same in about 3 other forces.

  • (#6) Teacher Taught A Lesson

    Posted by Redditor u/ligamentary:

    I'm a teacher.

    I was on a committee to hire a new 5th grade teacher.

    I was showing her the ropes and monitoring her in class behavior. I watched this bonehead tell a student "I don't like you very much. Figure it out yourself."

    The next thing I showed her was the door.

    In the exit interview (had on the walk to the door) I demanded an explanation and she said of the student she 'didn't like' she said "He was wearing designer jeans. You know his life is all peaches and cream, taking from us little guys." I say "Did he make an inappropriate comment to you about money?" She says "No. But I know their kind."

  • (#3) Employee Lectures Boss On First Day

    Posted by Redditor u/Karaethon22:

    I was assistant manager at Subway. I usually liked to give people time. It's a tougher job than it seems from the outside, everyone sucks at first, and taking someone's livelihood away is not a decision to be made lightly.

    But I had one lady who only lasted 3 hours. She was perfectly fine for the first couple minutes, while the store manager was there. But she had a doctor's appointment, so she introduced us and told the new employee I was in charge when she wasn't there. As soon as my boss left, this lady just flatly ignored me when I asked her to do stuff like food prep or dishes. So I was already pretty pissed but trying to be patient.

    When we got busy, I stationed her putting veggies on sandwiches. She said a few things to customers that annoyed me, but nothing too bad at first. Then one guy asked for extra olives and she told him no. He was a bit offended and asked again, and she practically shouts, "You don't need any more olives, you have plenty!" So I tell her to give him the olives he's asking for. Then she starts shouting at me about Subway standard veggie portions like I wasn't the one who taught her 45 minutes ago. I tried a little to explain that it's a default amount but customers can get extra, no big deal. She wasn't having it, so I stepped away from my station, gave the poor guy his olives, and apologized. That's when she lost it and started screaming that I was undermining her. I told her to go do dishes and I'd cover her station. She went storming off, thank God.

    I was already planning on talking to the store manager about it, because holy s**t. But as luck would have it, the franchise owner dropped in for something or other. As soon as new girl realized who he was, she started ranting about how I didn't control my veggie portions and I should be fired. When the franchise owner took my side, obviously, she shouted at him too. That was that, except that she called the store manager later, in tears, begging to know what she'd done wrong, and made it sound like she didn't realize I was her boss or that shouting at the owner about how he doesn't know how to run a business is inappropriate.

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About This Tool

Although employers can fire employees for any legal reason, once the labor law is violated, the consequences will be serious. It is also clear that some employees who are regarded as "freely hired" can resign freely at any time, and employers can also fire them at any time for any legal reason, or even without reason. This illustrates the importance of a legal and reasonable labor contract, but there are still some people who were fired on the first day.

The boss and the employee always have different ideas and positions. It is undeniable that the experience of being fired on the first day is frustrating, but the boss has a different view. The random tool shares 25 stories of why these bosses fired an employee on the first day.

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