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  • (#8) Don't Get Too Close To The Attacker

    If you're being held hostage and police are on the scene, experts offer a crucial piece of advice: don't get close to your kidnapper's head. If law enforcement officials shoot, they aim at the head for an immediate kill. You don't want to get caught in the bullet's path.

  • (#7) Make Eye Contact

    Some of us don't even like to make eye contact with people we know and like, let alone with an attacker. However, eye contact can help create a bond or make the gun-wielder a reluctant to harm you. Even a little doubt on their part could be crucial to your survival.

  • (#3) Create A Connection

    If you’re being held hostage, forming a personal connection with the kidnapper can help you survive. If the situation allows, try talk to the person who abducted you. Former police officer Justin Freeman recommends:

    Speak in measured, even tones, and defer to their intelligence and passion. Identifying with them creates a social connection they will have to overcome if they are deciding whether or not to kill you later.

    Some suggest shooters who know about their victim's familial life are less likely to attack.

  • Hand Over What They Want on Random Experts Share Advice For Being Held At Gunpoint

    (#6) Hand Over What They Want

    If you're being held at gunpoint, it's likely the attacker wants money, not a hostage. If they want to rob you, hand over your purse, wallet, or engagement ring. Don't become indignant. Professionals note items stolen during a gunpoint robbery will probably be covered by insurance.

  • Remember, They Probably Don't Want To Kill  You on Random Experts Share Advice For Being Held At Gunpoint

    (#12) Remember, They Probably Don't Want To Kill You

    Even if someone puts a gun in your face, they may not want to kill you. Every situation is different, but typically, if the attacker wants to end your life they will. Oftentimes, desperate people only want resources or money.

  • Stay Calm on Random Experts Share Advice For Being Held At Gunpoint

    (#4) Stay Calm

    Experts agree it's imperative to stay calm during a crisis. Being overly confrontational or aggressive won't help you deescalate the situation, and you certainly don't want to agitate the person holding the gun. If you're calm, they might remain calm too.

    Additionally, if you force yourself to slow down and think critically, you become more aware of your surroundings and your attacker. This makes you more of an asset when you describe the situation to law enforcement.

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About This Tool

People will encounter various emergencies and dangers in life, especially in the gun culture environment of the United States. If someone threatened you with a gun, what choice would you make? I hope you never encounter this kind of danger, so you don't have to make this difficult choice. Being pointed at by a gun is a terrible experience, and it is necessary to learn some effective measures that can be taken to increase their chances of surviving.

The most important thing is to stay calm and in control. If someone points a gun at you, they are probably trying to rob you, not trying to resist. The random tool shares 12 useful tips for being held at gunpoint that everyone should know.

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