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    Eutrophication is the result of excessive nutrients or plant life in a body of water due to runoff from nearby land.


    [ranking: 23]
    Eutrophication is the result of excessive nutrients or plant life in a body of water due to runoff from nearby land.

    If there's pollution in the soil, there's a risk of hazardous chemicals and toxicity in the agricultural growth in surrounding areas.

    Land Pollution

    [ranking: 8]
    If there's pollution in the soil, there's a risk of hazardous chemicals and toxicity in the agricultural growth in surrounding areas.

    Monoculture, or monocropping, is essentially weakening produce little by little over time by producing the same crop or livestock species in a single area.


    [ranking: 26]
    Monoculture, or monocropping, is essentially weakening produce little by little over time by producing the same crop or livestock species in a single area.

    Global warming, ozone depletion, and radiation all contribute to the Greenhouse Effect, which is warming up our planet to a dangerously high temperature.

    Greenhouse Effect

    [ranking: 19]
    Global warming, ozone depletion, and radiation all contribute to the Greenhouse Effect, which is warming up our planet to a dangerously high temperature.

    Since 1980, there's been a serious increase in the amount of weather-related disasters that occur each year.

    Increased Natural Disasters

    [ranking: 25]
    Since 1980, there's been a serious increase in the amount of weather-related disasters that occur each year.

    Agricultural pollution can result in human health deterioration, as well as severe ecological effects.

    Agricultural Pollution

    [ranking: 20]
    Agricultural pollution can result in human health deterioration, as well as severe ecological effects.


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About Random Most Important Environmental Issues Today

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most important environmental issues today. We collected a list of "Random Most Important Environmental Issues Today" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most important environmental issues today shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Environmental pollution and global warming are harsh and honest realities of the 21st century. The continued reliance on fossil fuels and the lack of alternative sources of green energy are taking their toll. Melting ice caps and an ever growing endangered species list confirm the overuse and abuse of earth's natural and precious resources. Overpopulation, overproduction, and over consumption are all to blame for our planet's current state. It's important to understand why climate change is a problem, but arguably more important to know ways to help reduce pollution, greenhouse gasses, and the use of toxic chemicals worldwide. 

The future of our planet as a whole is threatened by the environmental issues listed below. The way we're living and operating businesses is directly affecting the resources we need to support those foundations. Political and social issues often play into concerns regarding our environment, so it's important to stay informed and up to date on what's going on in the world as a whole. This list of the most important environmental issues to date covers all the most pressing matters that affect human, animal, and plant life on the planet.   

What's most important to you personally? What do you believe is the absolute most urgent issue that should be addressed? Read through these current environmental problems and types of pollution and up vote the ones you find most important. 

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