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    In 1849, Zachary Taylor pardoned William H.

    Zachary Taylor Pardoned A Man Convicted Of Assault At Sea

    [ranking: 39]
    In 1849, Zachary Taylor pardoned William H.

    George Washington famously pardoned Philip Vigol and John Mitchel, who were convicted of treason for their roles in the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790s.

    George Washington Gives First Pardon To Men Convicted Of Treason

    [ranking: 27]
    George Washington famously pardoned Philip Vigol and John Mitchel, who were convicted of treason for their roles in the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790s.

    Harry S. Truman used his presidential pardon power to commute the sentence of Oscar Collazo – who was found guilty of attempting to assassinate Truman – from death to life imprisonment in 1952.

    Harry S. Truman Commutes His Own Would-Be Assassin's Sentence

    [ranking: 24]
    Harry S. Truman used his presidential pardon power to commute the sentence of Oscar Collazo – who was found guilty of attempting to assassinate Truman – from death to life imprisonment in 1952.

    In 2017, Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who was court-martialed for violating the espionage act after giving classified documents to WikiLeaks.

    Barack Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning's Sentence

    [ranking: 12]
    In 2017, Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who was court-martialed for violating the espionage act after giving classified documents to WikiLeaks.

    Franklin Pierce was the only president to pardon a black person for helping slaves escape in conjunction with the Underground Railroad.

    Franklin Pierce Pardons Underground Railroad Participant

    [ranking: 44]
    Franklin Pierce was the only president to pardon a black person for helping slaves escape in conjunction with the Underground Railroad.

    John Adams followed his predecessor's (George Washington) lead in pardoning a participant of the Whiskey Rebellion, a tax protest against George Washington.

    John Adams Pardons Whiskey Rebellion Participant

    [ranking: 37]
    John Adams followed his predecessor's (George Washington) lead in pardoning a participant of the Whiskey Rebellion, a tax protest against George Washington.


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About Random President's Most Controversial Pardon

It's an exciting tool for displaying random president's most controversial pardon. We collected a list of "Random President's Most Controversial Pardon" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random president's most controversial pardon shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Why do presidents pardon people? It depends on the situation and who you ask, as the topic of presidential pardons is ripe with controversy. United States history is no stranger to political scandals and presidential corruption, and pardons are often a cause of public outrage. Oftentimes, individuals granted clemency by the Commander in Chief become the subject of national debate. Even partial pardons - like commuted sentences - are often met with backlash. Here, you'll find every president's most controversial pardon, ranked by your votes.

As they're absolved of past criminal convictions, people who have been pardoned by the president get a second chance at life. However, there is a lot of disagreement in regards to who actually deserves a second chance. The nation was appalled when Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon for his part in Watergate, as Americans were desperate to see reparation for widespread political corruption. Donald Trump's pardon of Joe Arpaio sparked a debate as to whether the Arizona sheriff was a deeply prejudiced tyrant or an unsung champion of justice. What other presidential pardons have shocked Americans? Vote up the pardons you find controversial below.

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