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  • (#9) The Restaurant Is Not Your Pantry

    From Redditor u/tenehemia

    Stop trying to make your own dish out of our ingredients. I have no problem with substitutions, sauce on the side, etc. But if you come in and say "can I have this dish... But i want this instead of this, this instead of this, and can you serve it as part of a salad?" then that's not ok.

    It's one thing to work around an ingredient you don't like, but it's another to treat the kitchen as your pantry. Dishes are designed the way they are on purpose. If you mess with that formula too much, we're no longer responsible for your food tasting good or not.

  • (#15) Stick To The Theme

    From Redditor u/qatest

    This is highly dependant on the quality of the restaurant, but a good rule of thumb is not to order stuff that is out of character with the rest of the menu.

    Every restaurant menu has a general theme to their food. That could be based on region or dietary limitations or main course (steakhouse for example) or whatever.

    A lot of places will also have a couple of things that break that theme so the picky eaters in the group have something to order. That stuff will often be made with older ingredients, and by people who aren't used to making it since it comes up so rarely in a night.

  • (#13) In Summation

    From Redditor u/RedTeamReview

    So to sum it all up:

    • Don't order 30 minutes before close
    • Be respectful to your waiters and waitresses
    • Don't try to mix and match the menu to make your own concoction
    • If you're in Argentina, just order the steak and not seafood
    • Don't try to re-invent phrases for how you like your food. Rare Plus doesn't exist....medium rare, does.
  • (#11) Changing Dishes Midstream

    From Redditor u/why_pretend

    Stop ordering new things halfway through the cooking process. It’s really annoying when you change your mind and the dish is already cooked and we have to start over. Some things can’t be undone and we end up wasting food.

  • (#14) Expensive Salads Are A Waste Of Money

    From Redditor u/E_rrationality

    20$+ salads, unless it's got some fantastic protein component to it. It's just not worth the money; buy the ingredients for <10$ and make it yourself.

    Don't get me wrong, salads can be delicious and well worth ordering, but don't pay entree prices some lettuce and fruit.

    Example: I used to work at a popular patio restaurant right in the middle of a rich, beautiful part of town. Due to the location and the general swagger of the place, we knew we could charge 24$ for this strawberry goat cheese salad in the summer, and we hyped the fact that it was "gluten free". Food cost for it was maybe 4$, prep time negligible, execution time <1 minute, so the margin on these things was just insane. I swear, every time summer rolled around, we made more money from girls in their early 20s ordering that salad than we made on booze.

    Oh, and don't forget to add 3.5oz of chicken for 9$.

  • (#12) As Seen On TV

    From Redditor u/MrAlcoholico

    "I like that dish insert any tv chef did at that tv show, what it was called?" if you want Gordon Ramsay fantasy course, please go to one of his restaurants.

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Waiters, cashiers, and even chefs of chain restaurants may receive hundreds of guests every week. Polite guests can make their lives easier and more pleasant, and their services will be improved. Don't underestimate the opinions of the chefs, they often receive outrageous customer requests in daily works. We don’t like unpleasant dining experiences, but sometimes the responsibility lies with the diners because we have not followed the most basic principles.

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