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Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

  • To Data In 'Where Silence Has Lease' on Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

    (#35) To Data In 'Where Silence Has Lease'

    What Was The Situation? While on a star-charting mission, the Enterprise discovers a zone of pure blackness. The crew are pulled into the void against their will. Once inside the zone, they have no point of reference for their location or how far inside the void they are. Data recommends dropping a stationary beacon so that they will have some fixed point to allow them to confirm their speed and distance as they attempt to return to normal space.

    Did He Make It So? The beacon is dropped and the Enterprise travels away from it at warp, but the crew soon finds they have been going in a circle when they encounter the very same beacon directly in front of them.

  • To La Forge In 'Booby Trap' on Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

    (#36) To La Forge In 'Booby Trap'

    What Was The Situation? The Enterprise has become ensnared in a trap laid by an ancient race that could wipe it out. Geordi deduces that the only way to escape the trap is to reduce the Enterprise's power and maneuver it out of the trap manually with only two thrusters.

    Did He Make It So? Picard agrees and declares he will be the one to pilot the ship out of the field.

  • To Data, Again, In 'Clues' on Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

    (#40) To Data, Again, In 'Clues'

    What Was The Situation? The Enterprise crew discover they have unwittingly encountered a xenophobic, isolationist alien species called the Paxans. Their memories of the incident were wiped, and Data was asked to maintain the ruse that the crew were only unconscious for a few moments. This was to prevent the Enterprise from getting curious enough to discover the Paxans' homeworld again. Picard agrees to another memory wipe, but this time with fewer clues to pique their curiosity when they wake up. Once the wipe is complete, the crew members awaken and Data once again suggests a probe to examine the class M planet. 

    Did He Make It So? This time, Picard is satisfied with the probe and Data's explanation. The ship departs Evadne IV.

  • To Worf In 'Hero Worship' on Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

    (#14) To Worf In 'Hero Worship'

    What Was The Situation? While investigating the disappearance of the research vessel Vico, the Enterprise is hit by a series of increasingly intense shock waves. Geordi reroutes warp power to the shields, but the wave becomes more intense. Data and the only surviving crew member of the Vico, a young boy named Timothy, figure out that the Vico was wiped out because it, too, diverted power to shields. Data alerts Picard to this theory.

    Did He Make It So? Worf lowers the shields and the wave dissipates because the wave grew in proportion to the strength of the ship's shields.

  • To Riker In 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II' on Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

    (#39) To Riker In 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II'

    What Was The Situation? In Picard's ready room, Riker and Commander Shelby debrief their captain on what's next now that the Borg threat has been neutralized. Riker says a course to Station McKinley has been laid in, where the Enterprise will undergo repairs.

    Did He Make It So? A haunted Picard tells Riker to make it so, and the Enterprise limps home.

  • To La Forge And Dr. Crusher In 'Clues' on Random Episodes Picard Said 'Make It So'

    (#23) To La Forge And Dr. Crusher In 'Clues'

    What Was The Situation? The crew is increasingly suspicious of Data's story that they were only passed out for a few moments. There are signs that the crew were actually out cold for almost a day. Geordi suggests checking the ship's chronometer for evidence of tampering and Dr. Crusher wants to run a transporter trace analysis.

    Did They Make It So? Yup. Dr. Crusher uses data from the transporter to compare the molecular state of a crewperson from before the incident to after. The crewperson's cell function cycles were far enough apart to indicate a day had passed. Geordi finds that someone disabled the security program that prevents anyone from resetting the ship's clock. The only officers who can do that are Geordi and... Data!

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About This Tool

Jean-Luc Picard is the protagonist of the sci-fi TV series "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Star Trek: Picard" produced by CBS and four related movies. He dreamed of leaving the vineyard in his hometown to join the Starfleet and eventually became a great starship captain, commanding the Starfleet for exploration missions. The interesting thing is that as Star Trek became a phenomenon-level TV show at that time, Jean-Luc Picard's famous phrase "Make it so" also became popular.

We have no way of knowing whether the screenwriter got inspiration from somewhere, this sentence is likely to be a common term in the military. The random tool introduced 77 different moments when Picard said Make It So.

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