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    Are We Done Yet?

    Are We Done Yet?

    [ranking: 21]
    Seriously, guys... this has been stupid since Bush left office. The first Bush.

    Classical Gas

    Classical Gas

    [ranking: 11]
    This gasser-style AMX from the late 1970s proves that jacked up bad ideas are nothing new. In its builder's defense, these cars were practically worthless in the '70s. Most just went into the crusher, but at least this one was memorable before it was cubed.

    Midas (Bad) Touch

    Midas (Bad) Touch

    [ranking: 19]
    Fun Fact: Universal Studios originally planned to use this car for a Knight Rider reboot. Then K.I.T.T. saw it, and committed auto-suicide by hammer. 

    Bad Kitty

    Bad Kitty

    [ranking: 9]
    It's a Jaguar! Get it? A JAGUAR!
    This subtle humor brought to you by Gallagher and Carrot Top. 

    Charlie Brown?

    Charlie Brown?

    [ranking: 15]
    It costs a lot of money to look this cheap. Fiberglass seats offer unparalleled comfort, too. 

    Panzer II

    Panzer II

    [ranking: 2]
    Downsizing: Because nobody enjoys parallel parking in Warsaw. 


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About Random Most Absurd Things Ever Done to Cars

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most absurd things ever done to cars. We collected a list of "Random Most Absurd Things Ever Done to Cars" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most absurd things ever done to cars shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

This list of crazy aftermarket car mods showcases crazed car creations from unhinged gearheads who dared to dream big and go stupid. Some of these funny cars are the result of true artistic vision; others hail from tragic trendseekers following the winds of social approval past the point of good taste and over the edge of complete idiocy.

Whether they have insane body kits, oversized wheels, or solid walls of speakers, the weird cars on this list are all truly absurd. Absurd: "wildly unreasonable, illogical or inappropriate." Absurdity is a good thing sometimes. It can expand our horizons, take our brains and culture to places it's never been before. That's often a great thing. But most times, the places it takes us are best forgotten.

If any car on this list leaves you waiting for that next life-eradicating asteroid to hit, then don't worry. That's not absurd at all. It only means you're still sane and blessed with the gift of sight, which you can use to vote up the most absurd aftermarket mods in automotive history.

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