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    Lit a Live Elephant on Fire

    Lit a Live Elephant on Fire

    [ranking: 3]
    What He Did: Delivered a fantastic elephant in the room joke while burning an endangered elephant alive. Why It Was Horrible: There's a majestic creature experiencing an excruciatingly painful death by fire. Pretty great joke though.

    He Carried Around His Own Talking Zombi-fied Head

    He Carried Around His Own Talking Zombi-fied Head

    [ranking: 14]
    What He Did: Kept a zombie head (his own) as company, constantly talking to it. Why It Was Horrible: But why is that so bad you might ask? Sure it's funny, but that's a zombie he's lugging around a random/non infected universe. One bite from his "buddy" could start a zombie pandemic that would effectively end civilization.

    Kidnapping/Forced Chimichanga Making

    Kidnapping/Forced Chimichanga Making

    [ranking: 8]
    What He Did: Kidnapped/trapped/threatened a man who might or might not be named Paco. Why It Was Horrible: Well, he trapped and forcibly made some poor family man his chimichanga slave. And he made sure he knew the alternative. How is that not horrible? Those chimichangas sure look tasty though.

    Wore Beast as a Fur Coat and Killed Wolverine

    Wore Beast as a Fur Coat and Killed Wolverine

    [ranking: 1]
    What He Did: Killed all the X-Men, and wore beast like a fur coat. Why It Was Horrible: Adding insult to injury, Deadpool decided to wear one of Wolverine's fallen team members while killing the single most popular mutant in Marvel Comics. Imagine seeing you're friend worn like a skin suit while fighting someone you used to have alliances with. Harsh.

    Blew Up Avengers Tower Using Pym Particles

    Blew Up Avengers Tower Using Pym Particles

    [ranking: 7]
    What He Did: In an alternate universe, he mercilessly murdered all of the Avengers. Why It Was Horrible: Well... for starters he killed all of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. But it was the rampant joy and excitement he took in doing so that really makes this one bad. Granted, this was in another reality, but it shows just what the Merc with the Mouth is capable of.

    He Killed His Own Parents

    He Killed His Own Parents

    [ranking: 5]
    What He Did: Killed his very own parents (while brainwashed).Why It Was Horrible: Is there anything worse? That picture of Deadpool dancing all jolly there? Behind him is a burning house. His burning house. He went in there, looked around, saw memorabilia and pieces of his own childhood, felt slight deja vu, and shrugged it off. Then burned the place to the ground with his parents inside. All as a test to see if he was truly under control. Turns out, he was.


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About Random Most Messed Up Things Deadpool's Ever Done

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most messed up things deadpool's ever done. We collected a list of "Random Most Messed Up Things Deadpool's Ever Done" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most messed up things deadpool's ever done shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Deadpool is not exactly the shining pillar of light in the superhero community. He started out as a villain, he has no shame in making the most insensitve jokes possible, and he kills people for money. But none of those are even among the worst things Deadpool has ever done.

No, these go far beyond "antihero moments." These aren't edgy Batman situations. These are truly awful things that Deadpool has done to friends, family, and enemies alike. He's almost singlehandedly destroyed the world with a zombie outbreak, he's killed all of Marvel's biggest characters, and he's even dated death incarnate. That's not to mention just what he keeps in those pouches of his.

These are the most awful and messed up things Deadpool has ever done, and we love him for each and every one of them. He truly is the regenerating degenerate and fans wouldn't have it any other way! Vote up your favorites below!

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