Random Nouns | Best Random Tools

Random Nounsreport

  • random noun 1



    a male given name.
  • random noun 2



    a thin layer or coating: a film of grease on a plate.
    a thin sheet of any material: a film of ice.

    verb (used with object)

    to cover with a film, thin skin, or pellicle: A bloom of algae films the pond every summer.
    1. to record in video format as a movie, with or without audio: We didn't know we were being filmed.
    2. to make a movie of: to film a novel.

    verb (used without object)

    to become covered by a film: The water filmed over with ice.
    1. to be reproduced in video format as a movie, especially in a specified manner: This story films easily.
    2. to direct, make, or otherwise engage in the production of movies, TV shows, or other video content: They'll be filming here for the next six months.
  • random noun 3


    noun Golf.

    a club with an iron head, the face of which has the greatest slope of all the irons, for hitting the ball with maximum loft.
  • random noun 4



    the act of placing in a lower rank or position: The refusal to allow women to be educated was part of society's subordination of women to men.
    the act subordinating, or of making dependent, secondary, or subservient.
    the condition of being subordinated, or made dependent, secondary, or subservient.
  • random noun 5



    a twin-engine, four-seat U.S. Navy helicopter used for surveillance, targeting, and antisubmarine warfare.
  • random noun 6


    noun, plural mo·nop·o·lies.

    exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.Compare duopoly, oligopoly.
    an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service, granted by a government.
    the exclusive possession or control of something.
    something that is the subject of such control, as a commodity or service.
    a company or group that has such control.
    the market condition that exists when there is only one seller.

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About Random Nouns Tool

Noun is a kind of part of speech and belongs to notional word. It represents the unified name of people, things, things, places or abstract concepts. It is divided into proper noun and common noun. Common nouns are some nouns contained in every sentence, such as "bread". Proper nouns refer to the proper names of specific people, things, places, groups or organizations (the first letter should be capitalized), such as "Asia".

We have collected all the common nouns, which means that you can find any common nouns through this tool. As you can see, you can use the generator at the top of the page to generate the specified nouns, which can greatly reduce the scope of generating nouns. You can specify the letters to include, the length of the noun, the first and last letter of the noun, and you just need to choose simply.

In the result, you can see the definition of each noun, which can help you to review and learn the noun. Under the generated result, you can copy all the generated words in the text box.

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