Random Sentences In Russian | Best Random Tools

Random Sentences In Russianreport

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  • Но, чтобы сшить рубашку без рукоделие, это невыполнимая задача.

    translation: But to sew a shirt without needlework, it's an impossible task.

  • А Вы, с Вашими волшебными руками... сможете сшить чудесное платье.

    translation: And you, with your magic touch, will sew a wonderful gown.

  • Я осознаю безотлагательность, но только потому что технически возможно сшить шесть жертв за один день, не значит Стрэтч справится.

    translation: I understand the urgency, but just because it is technically possible to stitch into six victims in one day, does not mean Stretch here can handle it.

  • Ну, мышки и зайчики помогли мне его сшить.

    translation: Well, the mice and rabbits did help with the sewing.

  • Около 4 сантиметров, что не даёт нам возможности просто сшить две части вместе.

    translation: It's measuring around four centimeters, which prevents us from simply sewing the two ends back together.

  • У вас есть З дня, чтобы раскроить и сшить новую модель.

    translation: You Have 3 Days to cut out and sew a new model.

  • У нас есть десятки девочек, которые могут сшить для вас, спросите их.

    translation: We have dozens of girls who can sew for you, ask them.

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About Random Sentences In Russian Tool

On this page, you can get Russian sentences randomly. We have collected more than 740,000Russian sentences, which contain almost all Russian words. This page displays 6 sentences randomly by default. You can see the English translation for each Russian sentence. Using the generator at the top of the page, you can also generate a specified number of sentences containing specified words.

It's a great language tool that can help you learn Russian, or review words you've learned and how to express sentences. So far we have collected Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian. If you want to add more sentences in other languages, please feel free to contact us.

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