Random Sentences In Spanish | Best Random Tools

Random Sentences In Spanishreport

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  • Ahora tienen billones de máquinas como ésta copiando su ADN con exquisita fidelidad.

    translation: Now you have billions of this machine right now working away inside you, copying your DNA with exquisite fidelity.

  • Los estudiantes practican su caligrafía para mejorar su caligrafía, a veces copiando obras de famosos calígrafos del pasado.

    translation: Students practice their penmanship to improve their calligraphy, sometimes copying out works by famous calligraphers from the past.

  • Para añadir los enlaces manualmente se hace desde esta pantalla copiando los enlaces en la parte superior.

    translation: To manually add links, you have to copy the links on the top part.

  • Ha pasado muchísimo tiempo copiando a sus maestros con la intención de perfeccionar el antiguo estilo clásico.

    translation: She has spent a great deal of time copying the masters to perfect the old classical style.

  • ¿Realmente crees eso, o solo estás defendiéndola ¿Porque esta copiando del mismo modo que tu?

    translation: Do you really believe that, or are you just defending her because she's coping the same way you do?

  • Y yo no he dicho exactamente que estabas copiando, solo dije que no estaba cubriendo mi papel.

    translation: And I didn't exactly say you were cheating, I just said I wasn't covering my paper.

  • Parece ser que no tienen la capacidad de aprender de los demás copiando, imitando, o simplemente mirando.

    translation: They seem to lack the ability to learn from others by copying or imitating or simply watching.

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About Random Sentences In Spanish Tool

On this page, you can get Spanish sentences randomly. We have collected more than 1,200,000Spanish sentences, which contain almost all Spanish words. This page displays 6 sentences randomly by default. You can see the English translation for each Spanish sentence. Using the generator at the top of the page, you can also generate a specified number of sentences containing specified words.

It's a great language tool that can help you learn Spanish, or review words you've learned and how to express sentences. So far we have collected Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian. If you want to add more sentences in other languages, please feel free to contact us.

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