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    Not Today, Satan

    [ranking: 1]

    Beauty fades, dumb is forever!

    [ranking: 2]

    Need Help Packin'?

    [ranking: 3]

    I'll Show You Versatility When Santino Wins a Sewing Competition and Michelle Visage Wears a Turtleneck!

    [ranking: 4]

    Girl, If I Was Gonna Come for You, I'd Come to Your Room at Night and Cut Your F*ckin' Wigs Up

    [ranking: 5]

    Trinity reminds me of a dear friend from New Orleans. She's dead.

    [ranking: 6]

    Wide and sassy, that was my name in prison.

    [ranking: 7]

    Really, Queen?

    [ranking: 8]

    Calm Down, Beyonce!

    [ranking: 9]

    Look, I actually made a friend today. Me. Friend.

    [ranking: 10]

    ..I'm Feeling Like a Bitch Who Just Buried Her Third Husband

    [ranking: 11]

    Now She's Kinda Grown On Me... Like a Rash!

    [ranking: 12]


    [ranking: 13]

    We're Drag Queens in a Competition! the Only Thing Worse Is F*cking Prison!

    [ranking: 14]

    I Call It My Rolodex of Hate

    [ranking: 15]

    I love saying goodbye. There's nothing better than shutting that coffin.

    [ranking: 16]

    Remember that one girl Gremlin? Don’t throw water on that Gremlin, he will multiply.

    Remember that one girl Gremlin? Don’t throw water on that Gremlin, he will multiply.

    [ranking: 17]

    A Drag Queen On Time; That Never F*ckin' Happens

    [ranking: 18]

    Beat it, Queen!

    [ranking: 19]

    I Am Clown Realness

    [ranking: 20]

    I mean, he was battling shoes already and eyelashes, and balls in his ass... did I really wanna give him a train, too?

    [ranking: 21]

    Hurricane Bianca's in town, no one is safe

    [ranking: 22]

    My Style Is Very Joan Crawford/Bozo Clown. Its Versatile. I'm Not, but the Look Is.

    [ranking: 23]

    I Hate You! It Bears Repeating...I Hate You!

    [ranking: 24]

    My name is Bianca I'm from the deep south, all them bitches can't handle my sassy ass mouth

    [ranking: 25]

    You Don't Want to Be That Queen That Pissed off Cher's Family HELLO!

    [ranking: 26]

    I hope you bitches are ready

    [ranking: 27]

    What is this, Color Purple?

    [ranking: 28]

    Bitches Be Sweatin'!

    [ranking: 29]

    Pack Your Sh*t

    [ranking: 30]

    I'm thinkin it's my drug dealer boyfriend outta jail!

    [ranking: 31]

    You Can Call Me Jiggly!

    [ranking: 32]

    You Can Borrow It!

    [ranking: 33]

    my parents wanted me to stay true to my mexican heratage so my first words were *tap, tap* HOUSE KEEPING?

    my parents wanted me to stay true to my mexican heratage so my first words were *tap, tap* HOUSE KEEPING?

    [ranking: 34]

    Erykah ba don't

    [ranking: 35]

    Beats Florida...

    [ranking: 36]

    are we done? i got bills to pay! i got dogs to put through college!

    are we done? i got bills to pay! i got dogs to put through college!

    [ranking: 37]
    fucking. iconic.

    Im from the south so it feels like im wit my cousins

    Im from the south so it feels like im wit my cousins

    [ranking: 38]


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About Random Best Bianca Del Rio Catchphrases & Quotes

It's an exciting tool for displaying random best bianca del rio catchphrases & quotes. We collected a list of "Random Best Bianca Del Rio Catchphrases & Quotes" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random best bianca del rio catchphrases & quotes shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Bianca Del Rio is one of the fiercest drag queens to come out of "RuPaul's Drag Race" season 6 (or the world, for that matter), and she has some of the best catch phrases on this season of Drag Race, all of which have likely been filed in her "Rolodex of hate."

Some queen shows Bianca what she's wearing on the runway... Need help packin'?

Another contestant tries to cut her down... Not today, Satan!

Discussing her look... I am clown realness.

These funny Bianca Del Rio moments are never in short supply as one of the loudest queens of the season eyes the big prize that's on the line. Vote for your favorite Bianca Del Rio catch phrases and add more if any are missing. And if you can't get enough of the Clown who's gonna get the crown, check out these Bianca Del Rio GIFs from RuPaul's Drag Race season 6.

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