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About Random Funniest Photos Ever Taken At Disneyland

It's an exciting tool for displaying random funniest photos ever taken at disneyland. We collected a list of "Random Funniest Photos Ever Taken At Disneyland" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random funniest photos ever taken at disneyland shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Disney parks, the happiest places on Earth, are also some of the funniest places on Earth as evidenced by funny Disneyland photos. A winning combination of excited children, exhausted parents, and employees in mascot uniforms led to these funny photos being taken at Disneyland, showing that the magic of Disney manifests itself in all sorts of ways. At a standard amusement park, at most, you get some laughable rollercoaster shots and maybe a log flume group shot if you're lucky. Meanwhile, at Disney, you can catch Darth Vader enjoying your favorite rides, mascots getting groped by kids, and adults who never really grew up.

The Disneyland memes and photos collected here highlight the secrets behind everyone's most beloved theme park, revealing it to be a bit more WTF than you may realize. Real life is stranger than fiction, and Disneyland's mixture of reality and fantasy makes for some outrageous moments almost as memorable as a Disney film. The next time you visit the park, you now know to keep your camera lens at the ready to capture weird Disneyland moments. 

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