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    Predator on the Loose

    Predator on the Loose

    [ranking: 9]

    "I was working retail and was approached by a very creepy customer. He just had this strange look, and wanted to be really close to me when he talked. I guess you could say I was lost in his eyes, but not in a good way. 

    "Nothing happened. I helped him find what he was looking for, and he was on his way. I just remember the encounter because something felt very off about him. 

    "That night on the news they did one of those announcements: 'A sexual predator has been release from prison and is in the area. Here is his photograph.' Same guy."

    The Creeper IT Guy

    The Creeper IT Guy

    [ranking: 8]

    "One of my best friend's roommates. 

    "He went and set up a computer at this girl's house and somehow set up her webcam so he could see through it whenever it was on. 

    "Apparently, he has video of her from when she was webcamming with her boyfriend.  

    "Creepy as fuck if you ask me."

    Possibly Van Helsing?

    Possibly Van Helsing?

    [ranking: 14]

    "Not a single person has believed this story, but I swear on my life that it is true.
     "A buddy and I were playing a large game of chess and enjoying some brew last fall at Balmer's hostel in Interlaken, Switzerland. About half way through our game, a man dressed in what looked like exquisitely hand-made and heavy black everything (boots, pants, shirt, trench coat, hat) with greasy, wavy, shoulder-length, jet black hair and beard sat down in a chair nearby, facing the board.
     "Once in a while he would make a sort of 'hmm... interesting, I am amused' sound under his breath after a move. We attempted introducing ourselves to him several times, but he did not look away from the board and did not say a clearly intelligible word. Before we finished the game, he stood up and quickly left.
     "That night, we were in the hostel's bar, which was underground and had a unique vibe. Almost like it had been a dungeon prior, but now had 2-for-1 drink specials of the local brew for several hours every night.
     "It was around midnight when we both went out into the courtyard (near where the chess board was) and sat down at a table under an awning. It was raining. 
     "From the shadows on the far side of the courtyard, the same man walks confidently up to us and sits down. He was completely dry and had an indescribable, but not unpleasant scent about him. He begins regaling his tale in a low tone that was barely audible above the sound of rain falling on the cedar roof above us.
     "I do have to paraphrase, as I had a nice buzz going, but remember the gist of his story. He was from a small country, not far from Switzerland, that no longer exists. He and his family had survived for 'millennia' there before being driven out. By Vampires. 
     "He said he came from a line of infamous slayers who held back the vampire onslaught, but just barely. In the mountains of his home country, his family did battle against the vampires, intentionally provoking their ire to hold their focus, sparing the world at large.
     "He went on to say that after the latest battle, their fortress had been over-run. He was in the field, keeping an eye on one vampire in particular that they believed to be top-ranking. After the defenses fell, the vampire he had been watching began to flee. Our new friend had been following him for two months.
     "At this point, my buddy and I were moments away from calling his bluff. I started to say, 'Really...' in that condescending, 'you are full of shit' way that people do, when he hushed me and turned his head, obviously in attempt to hear something. We heard only the rain. He then grabbed my arm. His hand was ice cold. He looked into my very soul and said, 'Get up. Get inside. Now.' That moment is still burned into my mind as the single most horrifying of my life. Words cannot describe the intensity and sincerity behind his words and expression. Before I could even think another thought, he stood, pulled a shotgun from beneath his trench coat and ran silently around the building to the locker area, which has only one entrance.  

    "I sat there frozen, mouth agape, while my friend stood and followed him. But he was already gone."

    Die-Hard Meatloaf Fan

    Die-Hard Meatloaf Fan

    [ranking: 22]

    "Definitely this ratty little Meatloaf fanboy at my last college. It was such a small college (1000 people) that most people were FaceBook friends, or were only separated by one degree. He would lurk on FB for any girl who had recently broken up with her boyfriend, and he would be at her room in under 30 minutes. One of my friends staged a fake break-up, and actually timed him with a stop watch. 

    "He glommed onto me after we met at a frat party. Unbelievably, he was in a frat, and I was dating one of his brothers, who revealed to fanboy that I, too, liked Meatloaf. So he would follow me around, telling me obscure trivia facts and asking me if I wanted to watch Meatloaf DVDs with him. 

    "I eventually broke up with his frat brother and became really reclusive for a whole school year. Being a ninja was the only way to avoid him."

    Unnerving Co-Worker

    Unnerving Co-Worker

    [ranking: 4]

    "A creepy guy who works at my local Walmart was sitting and talking to me one day (I worked there too, at the time). He felt the need to confide in me that at one point in his youth he went to the house of his crush, crawled in her open window, and hid under her bed before she came home for the night. He stayed there until she came home, changed, and had fallen asleep. He just slipped right back out the window and into the night. 

    "My box spring has been on the floor ever since."

    Strange Homeless Man

    Strange Homeless Man

    [ranking: 24]
    "My friends and I were on the subway and a homeless man came and sat across from us. He had a bottle of vodka and a cup full of change. He looked at my blonde friend and said, 'You have pretty hair, you must be a viking.' He then put the cup of change to his lips, tilted it back, coughed/choked a little, and said, 'What goes in must come out!'"


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Ever met someone that just gave you the absolute creeps? A person who cannot help behaving in ways even the weirdest of us find unsettling? These 25 Reddit users recount creeper stories that are likely familiar to most people - with a few tales that are so outlandish, they have to be true.

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