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  • 结果表明,虽然对体系的描述涉及到电磁势,但体系的物理性质只依赖于电场和磁场的强度;

    translation: Although the description of the system involves the electromagnetic potential, the physical properties only depend on the electric and magnetic field-strength.

  • 本文从粒子的轨道理论人手,通过对近900条粒子轨道的具体计算,研究了磁尾粒子在晨昏电场作用下的投掷角变化。

    translation: In this paper, the pitch Angle changing of charged particles of the magnetotail under the action of the dawn-dusk electric field is studied by evaluating about 900 trajectories by computer.

  • 计算结果清楚地显示出了磁尾粒子在晨昏电场的作用下,经历着明显的散射过程。

    translation: The results show clearly that the charged particles of the magnetotail under the action of the dawn-dusk electric field undergo evident scattering process.

  • 直流高压电源输出电压和电流的稳定性对产生稳定的高压复合电场极为重要。

    translation: The stability of voltage and current outputted by HV DC power is important to generate stable high-voltage electric field .

  • 介绍了利用高电压脉冲电场对牛乳灭菌的试验检测方法,并进行了不同电场强度、脉冲频率及处理时间对牛乳灭菌效果的对比试验。

    translation: It researched the experimental method of high-pulsed electric field to milk's sterilization, which measured the sterilization ratio in different electric field intensity, treatment time and frequency.

  • 本文介绍了一种计算变电站三维空间电场的方法。

    translation: This paper introduces a method to calculate the three-dimensional electric field in a substation.

  • 液滴在高压电场的作用下将分散成粒径细小的均匀雾滴。

    translation: Through a high-potential electric field the liquid drop will disperse into uniform micro-diameter spray droplets.

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