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Random Sentences In Koreanreport

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  • 보석을 인용하거나 기각하는 현행 제도.

    translation: Current system for granting or refusing bail.

  • 언제쯤 저희가 그의 지시를 기각할 수 있을까요?

    translation: How soon can we override his instructions?

  • 판사는 배심원의 결정을 기각할수 없었습니다.

    translation: The judge cannot overrule the jury's decision.

  • 그는 상대편을 넘어뜨렸고 그것은 반칙이었다.

    translation: The player decleated his opponent, and it was a foul.

  • 그 축구 선수는 반칙 위치에 서 있었다.

    translation: The soccer player was standing off side.

  • 미국의 선댄스 영화제와 같은 행사에서 휴대전화로 만 들어진 영화나 휴대전화를 위해 만들어진 영화들을 위한 상 이 있어왔다.

    translation: There have been prizes for movies made on or for mobile phones at events like the Sundance Festival in the United States.

  • 지단에게는 월드컵 최우수 선수상이 주어졌지만 FIFA는 그 상이 이 사건 때문에 다른 누군가에게 주어질 수도 있다고 말했다.

    translation: Zidane was given the tournament's best player award, but FIFA said the award might go to someone else because of the incident.

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On this page, you can get Korean sentences randomly. We have collected more than 280,000Korean sentences, which contain almost all Korean words. This page displays 6 sentences randomly by default. You can see the English translation for each Korean sentence. Using the generator at the top of the page, you can also generate a specified number of sentences containing specified words.

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