Random Agriculture Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  In 2007, just 187,816 of the 2.2 million farms in the United States accounted for 63% of sales of agricultural products, marking a trend toward the concentration in agricultural production.[agriculture]

  •  Farm and ranch families are just 2% of the population.[agriculture]

  •  Eli Whitney’s (1765—1825) invention of the cotton gin catapulted the rise of cotton production in the Deep South which, some historians note, led to an increase in slavery and contributed to slavery issues.[agriculture]

  •  Soybeans are used to make fortune cookies[agriculture]

  •  There are around 2.2 million farms in the United States.[agriculture]

  •  More than 6,000 different kinds of apples are grown around the world. The biggest producer is China, followed by the United States, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Italy, and India.[agriculture]

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