Random Science Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  Coal generates more electricity than any other source. It produces twice as much electricity as natural gas.[Energy]

  •  A 2017 Unicode Emoji update added mythical creatures—such as elves, mermaids, and vampires—to the collection.[Emoji]

  •  On November 14, 1971, the United States’ Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit Mars (or any other planet). After a massive dust storm cleared, Mariner 9 began transmitting nearly 73,000 images and revealing enormous volcanoes, huge canyons, frozen underground water in the form of permafrost, and what appeared to be dried-up river beds.[Mars]

  •  The perpetually happy “Smiley” face, with its yellow face and two black dot eyes, was invented in 1963. It was originally created to boost morale among employees of an insurance company.[Happiness]

  •  Though weighing only 11 ounces on average, a healthy heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels each day.[Human Heart]

  •  A person should not call 911 for any of the following: 1) for information, 2) for directory assistance, 3) just to talk, 4) paying for traffic tickets, 5) for a pet emergency, or 6) as a prank.[911 Emergency Calls]

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