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  •  Opossums can play dead for up to four hours to avoid capture or death at the hands of a predator.[opossum]

  •  In some places on an elephant's body, its skin can be one inch thick.[elephant]

  •  Water spiders are the only spiders that spend their entire lives in water. The spiders construct a “diving bell” that allows them to live and spin webs underwater. They use their legs like a fishing pole to pull in insects, tadpoles, and even small fish.[spider]

  •  A Siberian tiger has almost 20,000 hairs per square inch, or about 3,000 hairs in a single sq. cm of skin.[tiger]

  •  Snakes typically need to eat only 6–30 meals each year to be healthy.[snake]

  •  Among true wolves, two species are recognized: Canis lupus (often known simply as “gray wolves”), which includes 38 subspecies, such as the gray, timber, arctic, tundra, lobos, and buffalo wolves. The other recognized species is the red wolf (Canis rufus), which are smaller and have longer legs and shorter fur than their relatives. Many scientists debate whether Canis rufus is a separate species.[wolf]

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